Protein-rich Foods for Bodybuilding and Well-being Found at the Supermarket

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Foods rich in protein and high nutritional content limit cravings for nibbling by the satiating effect of their regular consumption. They are also anti-stress foods because they contain on average 3 times more tryptophan per 100 grams than milk. Finally, because they are used for the construction and renewal of muscle fibers, proteins are essential in the diet of those who want to eat to build muscles. White meats are a well-known source of animal protein, but it is recommended to reduce the consumption of meat and sausages for our health in favor of vegetable proteins such as whole grains and legumes, eggs, Spirulina, the yeast and chia seeds also are an excellent source of protein. They can be found in the supermarkets displayed in ice fresh stands.

Let’s look at them thus;


The Spirulina is food in the form of seaweed which consumes powder and flake if it has been dried in advance; it can also be eaten fresh, in a salad. By its contribution of iron, beta-carotene, and proteins it is essential for demanding sportsmen and concerned about their well-being.


The egg, and above all the egg white, contains high-quality proteins which allow the maintenance of the tissue substance and a fast muscle mass. The proteins of the egg are considered as reference proteins because they contain the 8 essential amino acids and not produced by our body. The digestibility of the egg is often mentioned. Egg white is more easily digested while the yellow is better if it is very little cooked. For facilitated digestion, it is, therefore, necessary to consume its soft eggs so immersed in boiling water for 5 minutes 30 seconds. If we do not have a problem of digestion and for optimal assimilation of protein resources you have to eat your eggs in the shell by soaking in boiling water for three minutes maximum. Under these conditions, the white is just starting to harden while the yellow is still very liquid.

Chia seeds

 chia seeds

The chia (pronounced kia) is a plant native to South America that produces small black and white seeds similar to the poppy. They owe their reputation as super-seeds to their protein content (about 20%) more than wheat and oats. These are of good quality because they contain the 8 amino acids essential things that man needs. As a bonus, the chia seed contains no less than 10 different minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, antioxidants, as well as fatty acids from the omega 3 families. Consumption patterns. Seeds can be soaked in water with a little coconut sugar and lemon. They can also be mixed as is with all dishes because they have a neutral taste. Finally, you can grind them and use them as flour to make biscuits.

White cheese, yogurt, and other cheeses

Thanks to the ferments they contain yogurts and white cheeses regulate the intestinal flora and facilitate the transit. They are also very useful in the recovery phase. Moreover, they are a very good source of calcium, zinc, proteins, and vitamins. Other cheeses include Parmesan cheese, goat cheese, Gruyere, Beaufort cheese and Comté cheese.

Protein snack made from cottage cheese and whey isolate

Some protein snack is based on whey and goat cheese and are best consumed as the last meal of the day, in the evening or before going to bed. Sprinkle the bottom of an individual bowl of coconut sugar (a teaspoon) and whey isolate in powder (a tablespoon). Whey isolate is extracted from whey, a residue of cheese making; it is often flavored (chocolate, vanilla, etc. ...). Add 4 Brazil nuts, 30g pistachios, 2 dried apricots and a small handful of raisins, then fill the rest of the bowl with goat cheese (if possible at 0%). Stir everything to mix sugar and whey. Enjoy slowly ... It should be noted that the selenium richness of Brazil nuts makes it an excellent anti-oxidant food but its excessive consumption can harm our body.


Very rich in protein and polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, lecithin, and many minerals and vitamins are also found in soybeans. In contrast, soy does not provide as much calcium as real dairy.

Vegetables and dried fruits

Vegetables and dried fruits have a very high protein content without superfluous lipids. Pistachio, for example, contains 25 grams per 100 grams! Dieticians recommend a daily serving of 30 grams, which corresponds to about 49 pistachios. In addition, regular consumption maximizes glycogen stores. For legumes remember that 100 gr of lentils (uncooked) provides 10 grams of protein



As high in protein as good meat, the veal liver is mostly low in fat. 100 grams provide 25 grams of protein and only 5 grams of fat. They can as well be found in the supermarkets around you.



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